Hi everyone...wow, can you believe my last post was in March? Honestly, time flies!
I wasn't really planning on doing this but
Kay told me I had to! =)
I don't want to give you some excuse like "I've been busy," but I have. More than that, I'd decided I had a lot of changes and improvements I wanted to make in my life, and that I wasn't anywhere near where I wanted to be...and that time was passing me by, so I had to focus, re-prioritize, and achieve the goals I set for myself but seemed so behind on. And even before that, I had already fallen behind on blogging (I have lots of pictures to be edited and half-written blog post drafts of reviews and new loves and purchases, etc.). It just didn't seem fair that I wasn't able to give my all to any of the many things I wanted to, including blogging.