Monday, May 11, 2009

Mail Love from Hawaii and NY!! Plus a Friendship Tag

Ahhhh I'm so spoiled!!

This heavy box arrived from Hawaii! I'd asked WuzzyAngel about the LCD screen protector she'd gotten for her camera and bless her sweet heart, she said she had an extra one she could send me! But then...look at all this!

Hawaii love from an Angel!!

chocolate macadamia nut "kisses," these are long gone now!
the LCD screen protector for my camera with a cute Hello Kitty note
cute Hello Kitty cupcake mirror!
Li Hing gummy bears...extra strength!!
Fresh Sugar Cubes in Lychee! they smell so delicious
huge Bliss falsies! huge!! 100% human hair, wow (soft)
aww adorable Plumeria cell phone charm!
Hawaiian-themed Hello Kitty notebook!!
and...Hurricane popcorn! not just one bag, but two!! this has been making its way all over blog world and it's finally mine to experience!!
Thank you Wuzzy!!

And wifey M sent me bottles of Lux to try out! She raved about these being her favorite. They good!! Thank you!!

I so want to go to Hawaii and NY and XOXO both of you girls!!

I was tagged by Millie, NingStar, and M! Thank you!

The rules are:
1. Take your award here.
2. Put the logo on your post.
3. Link the person who awarded you.
4. Nominate at least 7 other bloggers.
5. Add the links of those bloggers on yours.
6. Leave a message for your nominees.

Well of course I want to nominate those who tagged me (what, no tag backs?) and also Wuzzy, Yasumi, Melissa, Kay, Iyah, KT, Yumeko and everyone else who's been so kind to me! (Have you ever wondered who starts these tags/where they originate from? this one's all over right now!)

Lastly...go watch Star Trek if you haven't already! I am a Trekkie virgin no more! haha


  1. yummy gummy bears! what does it mean "extra strength"? maybe I don't know what li hing means.. LOL

  2. star trek is good! I like it too..and the fresh sugar cubes are so cute,I thought it's to be eaten until I read the note XD

  3. aw you got Wuzzy love too!! yay~!! she is super SWEET~!!! XD

    Lux is really nice the smell is LOVE~

  4. omg the hk notepad is really kawaii!! i still have yet to watch star trek...i would only go see it just cuz john cho and the guy from heroes are in it haha

  5. Hahahaha, we think the same! I also wanted to track back to see who started this!!!!

    I also tagged you yesterday! We DO think the same!!!

    SOO much love from M & Wuz! Woohoo!! They are so sweet!

  6. OMG WASN'T STARTREK THE SHIT!! :) I'm pimping the crap outta that movie! I LOVE IT!!

    Your very welcome, and hey YOU'RE ALWAYS super generous with me too! :)

    Aww how sweet of M!! She a lovely too!! :)


  7. I am a Star Trek Virgin!! hahaha! :) and wow! Wuzzy is sooo sooo nice! She both gave us Popcorn and macademia and HK mirror which I love love and the eyelashes!! weeee!!!

    Thanks for the tag :) You are just a sweetheart! and M is so nice to give you Lux. I remember that from the Philippines :D Smells oh so yummmmyyy!!

    So, did you find something to wear yet for the POW WOW? :D

  8. Thats a lot of love :) How is the Hurricane popcorn? Ever since Eki (and a couple of other blogger girls, YOU included!) mentioned the popcorn, I've been trying to order it from Hawaii, but it's all sold out from the snack site I ordered from. Lemme know if the popcorn is worth a 2nd attempt order in the future :)

  9. hahaha i haven't watched star trek since i was little xD and i can't remember if i liked star trek or star gate.. hmmm.. i heard the movie's hella good though :D lotsa hotties or something? ;)

    AWWW! wuzzy is a complete angel. damn! :)

  10. oh my, i LOVE the lashes! they loo beautiful

  11. aww, how sweet are those goodies! enjoy and have fun with cute HK.

  12. I love you Diana!!! xxxx

    Ah - hurricane popcorn and other yummy things!! I am feeling rather peckish now.

    Wuzzy is amazing!!

  13. i wonder about the tag origins too hahaha.
    wuzzy is so sweet! the hurricane popcorn sounds sooo good!! could you take a picture of it all mixed up so i can devour the picture! sucks that i don't have a microwave to even make popcorn here haha.

  14. i love using lux hair makes your hair smell and feel sooooo

  15. Wuzzy and M have the best of taste!

    Li Hing gummy bears!! OMG--I LOVE CRACK SEED and have made mass purchases at the Crack Seed Center in Honolulu!

  16. I read in one of your comments that you lived in SFO before? Did I remember it right? That's cool! :D I want to live there but the standards of living is so high, i'd be so poor. ahahaha :p

    Awww.. how come? I really want you to be there at the POW WOW. You're one of the closest friend I have there and Ria. It would be sad if you are not there :(

  17. omg, i want that hello kitty cupcake mirror! way cute :)

  18. OMG, wuzzy lovin' good!

    i'm still pissed at the usps for losing the shampoo! wtf!!!

  19. yummmm!! Hurricane Popcornnn *drool* Wuzzy is really truly pimpin out the beauty blogging world with all this sweetness and her love! ^_^

  20. mmmm hurricane popcorn :)
    i love wuzzys hawaii themed packages :)

  21. omg what a doll that Wuzzy is!

    look at all these cuuuuuuuute mega kawaii goodies!

    *you're so spoiled* ROFL
    *you're so lucky*

  22. wow! wuz knows how to send some gifts! lol how awesome!!!

  23. Soooo cute cell phone thing ) Lovely flower!

    OMG! That eye lashes just WOW! So cool!

  24. Yup, I liked Star Trek alot!!! I didn't expect to like it cos I've never watched the series, or maybe I did but I was too young to remember lol

    I tried to do the split fingered V salute but I can only manage a W hahaha


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