Sunday, December 27, 2009

Holiday Red Nails in Dear Santa and Ruby Pumps

I have a secret...I hardly paint my nails, haha, and also...I have old lady hands. =( They're genetic, damn it! Also, it's hardly a secret if you know me in real life, haha. Plus even though I live in Southern California, the winter mornings and nights have been cold and dry (around 40 degrees, I know that's prob warm to you East Coast and Mid-West gals, but my genes are meant for the humid tropics!). Anyways...I've been seeing all your blogs and tweets on holiday collections, and gave in to the gorgeous glittery-ness, hoping to feel more Christmas spirit. =)

I apologize in advance for making you look at my not-so-cute hands and also for the messy application.

First up...Dear Santa from the OPI Holiday Wishes 2009 Collection

in sunlight...

and its worthy contender, Ruby Pumps from the China Glaze Holiday 2009 Collection (is it called Love You Snow Much or is it Wizard of Oz, or both? *shrug*)

and also in sunlight...

In comparison, Dear Santa is obviously warmer, which I feel makes it more festive and perfect for Christmas. It's like a bright orament red, and the gold glitter also makes your hands look brighter (my hands are a lot darker than my face).

On the other hand (literally! haha, yeah, I actually polished each hand each color), Ruby Pumps has more dimension, but it is also a darker red, which made my hand look dark compared to the hand that had Dear Santa. Depending on the lighting, Ruby Pumps looks much darker in low lighting, but is really gorgeous in bright lighting, whereas Dear Santa is a sparkling holiday red in low lighting but more of a glowing orange-red in bright lighting.

More photos, this time from my iPhone. Obviously not great quality, but it gives you more of an idea of the differences.

I took this picture with my nose, haha! Ruby Pumps on the left and Dear Santa on the right

Ruby Pumps, indoor lighting

Dear Santa, same indoor lighting

In the end, they are both gorgeous and worthy of being in any gal's collection! It trips me out because I never thought I would wear red nail polish, I thought it made my hands look really garish/gaudy (like they belong to a cougar!), but these have opened my mind. =)

Which nail polishes have caught your fancy? I'm lusting for a nice blue polish and feel like I missed out on Sapphire in the Snow and Holiday Glow, also from the OPI holiday collection. So now I'm eagerly awaiting the January OPI Alice in Wonderland Collection, particularly Absolutely Alice!


  1. Pretty skilled huh? Taking pics with your nose! LOL!

    BOth of these look great on you! But yea the Ruby Pumps looks darker more vampy! LOL

    And hey "I" have old lady hands! You've seen them! LOL! Yours isn't that at all!

  2. Both colors look great on you. I have Ruby Pumps, it's a very nice color.

    I have old lady hands too haha

  3. You do not have old lady hands! My application is much messy compare to yours..

    and I wanna thank you again for giving me the Dear Santa n/p! Its so pretty!! I love it! Thanks also for the Ginger bells.. weee!!

    I don't have any bluish color like the Absolute Alice so I will be looking forward on buying that too!! Such pretty color ;)

  4. Hey, you have nice nails! Much nicer than mine!!!! ahhhh i can't paint my nails to save my life!!

  5. yikes they are both gawjuss!! I tvhink I need both too!!!

  6. Very pretty! Still, I like more Lubu Heels.

  7. I don't see old lady hands at all!

    I'm crappy at painting my own nails too, but this is one skill that actually does come with practice. I suck, but not nearly as bad lately lol.


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